Posted in Handwriting, Home School Review Crew Posts, Homeschooling

Review of CursiveLogic’s CursiveLogic Quick Start Pack and The Art of Cursive




Some things are learned early on and require no additional practice.  Other things take time to grow a natural desire and inclination to improve upon skills already learned.  In our family, cursive writing is one of those skills.  All of our children had to learn cursive writing in order to place their signature on their military identification cards when they reached the age of ten years old.  We, as parents, could not sign for them.  So it was an important skill.  Now almost five years later for our daughter, a desire came to improve her writing.  My husband also desired to improve his cursive writing.  I also desired to improve my skills as well. CursiveLogic uses a logical approach to teach cursive letters with their CursiveLogic Quick-Start Pack and The Art of Cursive.

I love that this program can basically be used for any ages including adults.  The program lends itself to adaptations to fit the student.  For example, older students/adults could move through the program much quicker.  While younger children could move through the program at a much slower pace.

The program utilizes a shape-based approach that helps create connections for students to learn the proper techniques for writing their letters.  Letters are grouped with similar letters to help created muscle-memory for the correct process to make the letters.  There are phrases to say when forming the letters to help remember the proper order for forming the letters.  The workbook is set up to be used by students who are either right or left-handed without having to worry about the coil.


There is a webinar that details the entire process that goes through how to use the CursiveLogic program.  The video is almost fifty minutes long.  I watched it myself and would personally recommend breaking it up into parts, based on where you are currently at in the program.  If you have older children or have adults doing the program, they could watch the webinar themselves.  For younger children, the parents/teacher could watch the video to ensure proper techniques are being used.



Another thing I really liked about this program is that it does not simply jump right into forming letters.  Instead, the program takes time to talk about proper posture, proper paper placement, and pencil holding to ensure success.


The program is designed to be completed in ten weeks, however, older students and adults could obviously go through the program at a faster pace.  However, our family decided to go at a slower pace since we are not using the program to actually learn cursive writing for the first time.  We are using the program to refine skills already learned.


The program utilizes a shape-based approach.  There are four-letter strings that each share a common shape.  Students learn the connection between letters and shapes right from the beginning.  A multi-sensory approach uses color, movement, verbal and auditory tools so it will appeal to all learners.  Another benefit is that students actually write real words the very first week.  Because it follows a logical approach, students will be much more inclined to get it.


The Art of Cursive is a workbook includes pages to writing as well as coloring pages.  So far, we have not utilized the coloring pages, but I will update this post and do an additional post when we have a coloring page completed.

All in all, I have to say our family was very impressed with this program.  If you are looking for a cursive writing program that utilizes a multi-sensory approach, I recommend you check CurisveLogic out for yourself and look at the CursiveLogic Quick-Start Pack and The Art of Cursive.

If you use the code CREW2018, you can receive 20% on the Quick-Start Pack, which is the webinar + workbook combo through the end of March.


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