Posted in 2017 Blogging A to Z Challenge, Blogboost, Blogging

#BloggingAtoZChallenge – “B” is for Boys, Bositerous, and blogging


This is the second post for my Blogging A to Z challenge.  “B” is for boys, boisterous, and blogging.  Obviously, being the mom of three sons, I need to mention boys.  Boys are energetic and constantly on the move.  Our three sons definitely keep things lively around our home.  There is never a dull moment.  Sometimes, it is hard to get a word in edgewise.  I love my sons though.  They defintely keep me on my toes.  There is no way to predict what they will do from one minute the next.

This leads to my second “B”, which is boisterous.  Our sons are definitely boisterous. The Noah Webster 1828 dictionary has this to say:

BOIS’TEROUS, adjective

1. Loud; roaring;

This certainly fits my sons.  When they decide to get rowdy, I can pretty much be guaranteed that at some point our daughter will get involved in whatever mischief they are making.  Sometimes I feel as if there is a constant roar in our home.  But I recognize that all too soon they will be out of the house and our home will be too silent.

My final “B” is blogging.  I began blogging about 8 years ago when we moved from eastern North Carolina to Pennsylvania.  At first it was just a way to hopefully keep our family in North Carolina up to date on what was going on with us.  Then it became a way to also help me record what was going on with our homeschool each year.  Then it became a way to to try to hopefully help other homeschoolers.  While my following is small right now.  I hope to increase that this year.  I have found I love writing on the blog. I also love sharing what we are doing, what is working for us, and what I am looking at changing.

So what does “B” bring to mind for you?  I would love to hear from you.

Posted in #blogboost, #blogging, #bloggingAtoZ, #Children, #Zeal

Z is Zeal


So today is the final day of the Blogging A to Z challenge.  I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in this challenge.  When I see or hear the letter Z, only one word comes to mind.  The word that comes to mind is “Zeal”.

Several years ago, we were participating in a Christmas Eve candlelight service at the church we were attending in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.  The pastor provided various members of the congregation with different verses to read from the Bible.  At the time, our second son was given a verse that contained the word Zeal.  He was uncertain of what the word meant exactly.  So I explained to him that zeal meant showing excitement or enthusiasm for something.   Well he proceeded to read his verse with quite a lot of “Zeal”.  From that night on, zeal or zealous became frequent members of our conversation.  The following year, when the Christmas Eve service came around again, my son made sure he once again got the verse with “zeal” in it.  And once again, he read it quite zealously.

Because, it has been about 4 years since he last read the verse, I am trying to remember the exact verses he read.  I believe this should be the correct passage.


So what comes to mind for you when you see the letter “Z”?  I would love to hear from you.  And so this entry concludes my participation in the Blogging A to Z challenge for April 2015.  I pray you have been blessed.

Posted in #blogboost, #blogging, X-ray tech, X-rays, Xerox

X is for Xerox or X-rays or X-ray Tech


Here is another Blogging A to Z Challenge post for today’s letter, X.  This is a hard post to come up with words for.  However, I was able to come up with one word, Xerox.  After all, as a homeschooling mom, I have to make lots and lots of copies.  We have to copy papers for the children’s schoolwork.  We have to make copies of the attendance records, the portfolios, the affidavits and numerous other items throughout the year.  Now even though I primarily use Brother, Epson or Canon printers, Xerox is still one of the main words that comes to mind when I think of making copies.

Several years ago our youngest son fell and fractured his wrist.  Needless to say, X-rays were involved.   The funny part was we had the x-rays done at a facility that partnered with both our doctor’s office at the time and the hospital that we eventually ended up at to have the arm put in a cast (or at least we thought he would get a cast).  These offices were all connected digitally.  Supposedly all the hospital had to do was pull up the x-ray to look at it.  But for some reason the x-ray mysteriously vanished for several hours.  Fortunately it was eventually found.  Plus, x-rays make for a great impromptu science lesson.

Also, X-ray tech comes to mind since my husband ‘s sister is an X-ray tech and has been for years.

So what comes to mind for you when you see the letter “X”.  I would love to read some comments from you.

Posted in #blogboost, #blogging, #bloggingAtoZ, #family, #homeschooling, #Wisdom, #Wonder, #Work

“W” is for Wisdom, Work, and Wonder


Well the Blogging A to Z challenge is winding down and today’s letter is “W”.  When I see or hear the letter “W”, I think of wisdom, work and wonder.

Wisdom is the first thing that comes to mind when I see the letter “W”.  In the Webster’s 1828 American dictionary, the word “wisdom” was defined partially as, “In Scripture, human learning; erudition; knowledge of arts and sciences.”  It was also defined as, “Quickness of intellect; readiness of apprehension; dexterity in execution”.  Finally, it was defined as, “The right use or exercise of knowledge; the choice of laudable ends, and of the best means to accomplish them”.  All of these definitions suit my needs for a definition for the word wisdom.  Wisdom to me is more than just basic knowledge.  It also involves have a willing heart.

Next, “W” brings to mind work.  Everyone in our home has work they must do.  Our work includes: school assignments, chores, and the work of our Heavenly Father.  We are disciples of Jesus Christ.  In Romans 8:28, we are told, “28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”  We need to do the work that God has called us to do.

Finally, “W” brings to mind wonder.  I love to see our children wonder about something and then search out answers about that subject.  It does not matter to me if it is a traditional school subject or if it is just something that catches their interest.

So this is what comes to my mind when I see the letter “W”, what comes to mind for you when you see or hear the letter “W”?

Posted in #blogboost, #blogging, #bloggingAtoZ, #Children, #family, #homeschooling, #Teaching, #Technology, #TimeManagement, #Trust

“T” is for Teaching, Time Management, Trust and Technology


It is another day of the Blogging A to Z challenge.  Today’s letter is “T”.  “T”  brings to mind Teaching, Time Management, Trust, and Technology.

Because we are a homeschooling family, much of my time is spent teaching.  Sometimes it is teaching typical school subjects like math and language arts.  Other portions of my time is devoted to teaching life skills such as cooking, cleaning, yard work, grocery shopping and other such skills.

Next “T” brings to mind time management.  The better my children manage their time, the more free time they have.  Also the better we manage our time, the more extracurricular activities we can incorporate into our day.

Next, “T” brings to mind trust.  I need to trust my children to accomplish their schoolwork.  They need to be able to trust that I will do what is in their best interest.  Also I need to be able to trust that they will complete their work if I have to be away from the home from appointments or other reasons.

Finally, “T” brings to mind technology.  We utilize technology for so many things we do each day.  For example, we use the Internet to conduct searches and complete online courses through companies such as Alpha Omega’s Monarch curriculum and Videotext Interactive Online Algebra.  We use technology for doing daily Bible reading using Apps such as YouVersion.  We use Microsoft Office products to prepare papers, take notes and do presentations.

So that is what comes to mind when I hear the letter “T”.  What comes to your mind when you see the letter “T”?

Posted in #blogboost, #blogging, #bloggingAtoZ, #Children, #family, #Values, #Victories, #Violins

“V” is for Violins, Values and Victories


     Today is another day of the Blogging A to Z challenge.  The letter of the day is “V”.  When I see or hear the letter “V”, I think of violins, values and victories.

“V” is for violins or violas.  Music plays an important role in our family.  Our children have been exposed to singing and musical instruments.  Several years ago,  our daughter believed that she wanted to learn to how to play the violin.  At the same time, I wanted to learn as well.  Our oldest son then decided he might like to learn the violin as well.  One cannot think of the violin without thinking of the viola as well.

Next “V” brings to mind values.  Family values are very important.  We need to refer to our Bibles to ensure that we attempt to have Biblical character.  We try to maintain trust, act loving, show generosity, and be loving.

Finally, we experience victories every time our children experience successes in their educational endeavors.  Also we are able to achieve victories in our spiritual lives as well.  When we serve others, show love and compassion to others or when we obey the Word of God, we achieve spiritual victories.

So that is what comes to mind when I see or hear the letter “V”.  What comes to your mind when you see or hear the letter “V”?

Posted in #blogboost, #blogging, #bloggingAtoZ, #family, #homeschooling, #Understanding

“U” is for Understanding

Today is another day of the Blogging A to Z challenge.  Today’s letter is “U”, which brings to mind one word – understanding.

As a homeschooling family, understanding takes many shapes or parts in our day to day life.  First is our need to be understanding to one another.  With being together day in and day out every day, there has to be a level of understanding among us.  Too many times it is easy to jump to conclusions or fly off in an over reaction.  So we need to take time and act in an understanding manner.

The children need to understand the material they are learning about in each subject.  I do not expect that they will always like or enjoy every subject, but I do expect them to put forth their best efforts.

Finally, there needs to be understanding between my husband and me.  We need to be on the same page and have the same goals and objectives regarding our family.  If we disagree, we must be sure we avoid doing so in the presence of our children.  I try to understand what thoughts he has and I pray that he does the same in regards to my thoughts and wishes.

So that is what comes to mind when I hear the letter “U”.  So what comes to your mind when you see the letter “U”.

Posted in Uncategorized

“S” is for Savior, Smiles, Science, Stars, Sights, Sounds and Stories


Today is another day of the Blogging A to Z challenge.  The letter of the day is “S”.  For me when I see the letter “S”, I think of Savior, sons, smiles, science, stars, sights, sounds and stories.

I am so grateful by God sending his Only Begotten Son to be a Savior for our sins.  Thanks to His sacrifice (another great “s” word), we can be saved for our sins if we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.

“S” is for smiles – like the ones I get from my children during the day.  These are the smiles I see when my children understand what they are studying.  I also see smiles when the children are enjoying their assignments.

“S” is also for Science – which is one of the subjects my children love.  Science gives the opportunity to study the world around us and see how things work.  It is amazing to see how God created our universe including the stars, the skies and the heavens.

“S” is also for the sounds that are all around us.  I love to my children talk to each other or play together.  It can also be satisfying to listen to the soothing sounds of a gentle rain.  At other times sounds can have a devastating effect, such as the sounds of a hurricane or tornado, or the sounds of metal hitting metal during an accident.  Some of these sounds are ones that can stay with a person for the rest of his or her life.

Finally, “S” brings to mind stories.  There are the stories we can read including great literature.  Also it brings to mind the stories my children made up as they were playing together.  There are also those stories we tell to pass on thoughts and memories about bygone days or people that are no longer with us, places that we have been to, or important events.

These are some of the things that come to mind when I see the letter “S”.  What comes to mind for you?

Posted in #blogboost, #blogging, #bloggingAtoZ, #PrincessRebecca, #Rain, #reason

“R” is for Rebecca, Rain, Rainbows and Reason


Today is another day of the Blogging A to Z challenge and the letter of the day is “R”.

For me when i see the letter “R”, Rebecca, rain and reason come to mind.

Rebecca is our only princess in the house.  She brings a lot of joy to our home.  She also brings a lot of excitement, adventure and emotion to our home.  She is quite a handful at times.  Yet she is also the joy of my world.  She brings happiness in her own special way.

“R” is also for rain.  With us homeschooling our children, rainy days are a great time to curl up with a good book and read.  Rainy days also lend themselves to discussions or essays about rain and weather in general.  Rain also leads sometimes to another word that comes to mind regarding the letter “R”.  That word is a rainbow.

A rainbow represents God’s promise to His people that He will never destroy the world again with a flood.  It provides a beautiful reminder of God’s love for His people.

Finally, “R” is for reason which is the ability to think things through and come to a logical and rational conclusion.  So what comes to mind when you see the letter “R”?  I would love to hear from you.

Posted in #blogboost, #bloggingAtoZ, #Quiet, #Quite

“Q” is for “Quite” and “Quiet”


It’s another day of the Blogging A to Z challenge.  Today’s letter is “Q”.  For me “Q” is for quite and quiet.

“Q” stands for “Quite”.  We have quite a lot of books in our home since we homeschool.  Also we have done quite a large variety of subjects and things over the year.  It is quite a lot to keep up with our children’s interests.  There are quite a few things that we have to get done during the day.  Moreover, there are quite a lot of subjects we still want to cover in the future.

“Q” also stands for “Quiet”, something that our home often is not.  Many times our home rings with “Quite” a lot of noise.  They express their thoughts and ideas with strong loud voices.  At other times our home is still and quiet with no sounds to be heard anywhere.  It is those times I can appreciate the silence.  Other times, I am desperate to hear something to indicate I am not alone in our home.  After all, as I heard, read and been told many times, “Silence is deafening.”.  Sometimes too much “quiet” is a bad thing rather than a good thing.