Posted in Church, family, Homeschooling, Uncategorized

Weekly Wrap-Up

Weekly Wrapup

So two weeks ago at church, our pastor talked about the story of Jacob and Esau and the “red pottage”.  Esau had come in from the fields and was famished so he asked Jacob to share the food Jacob had prepared.  In exchange, Jacob asked for the birthright.  Our pastor referred to the “pottage” as “red stuff”.  Then it transferred into a discussion of the “red stuff” actually being red lentils.

So this past Saturday when our family went grocery shopping last Saturday, while we were in Sprouts we found the “red stuff” – as in red lentils.  So this week we fixed them for dinner.  Here are two pictures – one of us cooking the lentils and one from when they were finished cooking.

This was also the week we reviewed’s Help Teaching Pro and you can read that review here.

Also, we discussed selections for another upcoming review from Memoria Press to determine which one our 15-year-old daughter would want to do.  The choices were either Logic or a composition course on Aesop’s Fables.  After reading the descriptions of the two courses and then looking at the sample pages for the logic course, our daughter decided she preferred the course on Aesop’s Fables – so we will see whether we get selected for that product or not.

So what is going on in your life? I would love to hear from you.

Posted in Church, family

Friday Wrap-Up

Psalm 51 10

For the past several weeks, our lives have revolved around various children helping first with setting up Vacation Bible School and then this week two of them have actually volunteered to assist with Vacation Bible School.  My three sons helped set up.  They are either almost 6 feet tall or over 6 feet tall.  They were such a blessing to the ladies in charge of decorating the church.

Then this week our oldest son was a crew leader for a group of children attending VBS.  Our youngest son has been assisting with the games.  I am glad for their willingness to serve.

So what is going on in your world today?  I would love to hear from you.

Posted in #AmazingFamily, #blogboost, #Children, #family, #God, #NaBloPoMo, Church

How We Do Church at Our Home


So for the last several months we have been having church in our home.  Being a military family living away from our home church presents some unique challenges.  My husband is an ordained Primitive Baptist preacher and has been preaching for over 23 years.  We are used to being actively involved in whatever church we attend.  So we look for churches that will permit us to do so.  While we had found one to attend in our current duty station, we discovered that ultimately it was not the right fit for our family.  With homeschooling and everything else going on in our lives, we made the decision to hold church services in our home.

So here are some photos of what it looked like during today’s service.






Our message for today centered on Matthew 5:13.  It was interesting to hear the remarks regarding salt and its various uses in Biblical times and current days.  Because of the situation, our services tend to turn more into discussions and thoughts rather than a typical sermon.

Matthew 5 13

In addition to a message, we also sing songs from the Lloyd Hymnal (used by many Primitive Baptist Churches).  We sang “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”, “Come Thou Fount of Many Blessings”, “Alas and did my Savior Bleed” in addition to a couple of other songs.

lloyd hymnal

So that is how we had church services today,  How did you spend your Sunday?



Psalm 37 4

Well there has been a lot going on here lately.  Dennis turned in his re-enlistment packet and we just received notification last week that it had processed.  So either tomorrow or Wednesday he and I will go to our battalion in Williamsport so he can be sworn in again.  We have been doing school around here.  We have had some snow and some days with warmer temperatures.  We have also had some really cold days.

We have been to North Carolina so he could renew his drivers license and we could visit Dennis’ parents.  While we were there, we were also able to see his brother, his wife, his daughter and her husband along with meeting our only great-niece.  Plus we were able to see another one of his sisters.  We attended church at our home church and went to a dinner afterwards at a sister church for Dennis’ uncle and his wife for a Pastor Appreciation day.

On the homeschooling front, we have begun preparations for Jacob’s graduation this May.  He will be taking to the stage at the CHAP homeschool convention to receive his diploma.  It is exciting and somewhat sad to think of our firstborn graduating and moving on to his next phase of life.

On the church front, we have begun having services with two other families on Sunday afternoons.  We have a meal first and then someone does a devotional/sermon.  This coming Sunday, Jacob will be giving the message

Psalm 51 10
