Posted in family, Homeschooling

Gearing Up


So we have officially turned in our homeschooling paperwork for the 2014-2015 school year.  I am working on planning our 2015-2016 school year.  This year we will have an 11th grader, 10th grader and 8th grader.  We are inching ever so slowly to being through with our homeschooling journey.

As we attended the CHAP Homeschool convention in Pennsylvania, we had one less child to look for materials to use.  We have decided to continue using Daily Grams and Institute for Excellence in Writing (we are doing the continuation course for level B this year).  We are also adding the Introduction to Literature from Excellence in Literature.  All three children will do these courses.  All three children will also be doing Omnibus courses from Veritas Press with the older two doing Omnibus V and our youngest will be doing Omnibus II. Latin, Greek,  Art and PE.

Our second born will be doing Algebra and Geometry, Forensic Science (along with a Forensic Science Lab course), Chemistry, Trumpet lessons.

Our third born will be finishing Algebra I, II and Trigonometry, Chemistry, a Cooking Class, Piano lessons, and possibly another elective.

Our daughter will be doing Life of Fred Advanced Algebra and possibly will start Life of Fred Geometry, BJU Press Physical Science, Home Economics, and Flute lessons.

In the meantime, Dennis will be starting his Masters of Divinity in the fall and our oldest will be starting to work on his associates degree with a goal of becoming a Youth Pastor.

Posted in Bible Journaling, Bible Studies, family, Keep It Shut Study, Shopping

Where Did January Go?

Psalm 51 10

It seems like we just celebrated the New Year yesterday.  But instead it is now February 1st.  It is hard to believe the first month of 2015 is gone.  We spent the month homeschooling, cooking, eating, cleaning and sleeping.  Now it is February 1st.  In this month we plan on doing our major shopping trip in two weeks.  We will spend one entire day driving to and from our shopping destination while we visit a variety of stores including Sam’s Club, Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Barnes and Noble, Staples, Aldi’s and possibly Big Lots.  We have to drive an hour just to get to our shopping destination.  It will take us another hour to drive home.  So this will be an all day affair.  But with a family of 7 to feed and such, it is necessary to travel this far.  I always try to make a list of the items I know we are going to need.  Plus I try to write down the extra things we may want if money allows it.  This really helps me stay on track.

Even though it costs us in gas, I know at the stores we go to, I can find food that is safe for our oldest son to eat.  He is lactose-intolerant to the point he can not even eat anything that is produced on the same line as other items that contain lactose.  It is worth the drive to keep him in food that I know is safe.

Hobby Lobby is just one of those stores that classifies as an amusement park type atmosphere for adults.  With my oldest son and youngest son getting into models and me trying Bible Journaling, it is an amazing place to go.  They have such a great selection and I love just walking up and down the aisles.

  1. The latest study for Proverbs 31 Ministries has started.  We just completed week 1 of Keep It Shut by Karen Ehman.  This week we have been talking about being #intentional.  I am really trying to concentrate on being intentional about my words and my Bible Study.  I love the ladies that have been placed in my group this time.  It is truly a blessing to be able to lead them and they all bless me so much.

Here is something I would like to share that I did for a Bible Journaling Prompt for one of my groups.


So what are you plans for this month?  I would love to hear from you.

Posted in Art Journaling., Bible, Bible Journaling, Blogging, family

New Bible Studies, New Hobbies and Other Things in Our Lives

We are working towards getting back into a routine with homeschooling.  Organizing and decluttering are two words that are heard frequently about our home.  Dennis is in the process of getting his re-enlistment paperwork filled out.  Life just seems to be moving very quickly and so slowly all at the same time.

I am working on getting a Masters degree this year.  I have also become involved in something new, Bible Journaling.  So I am accumulating all kinds of information to assist me in the effort.  As I complete some things, I will be posting them here. One thing I have been doing with this is using PicMonkey to create Scripture Art.

I am really looking forward to digging into God’s Word in our latest Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study for Karen Ehman’s latest book, “Keep It Shut”.   This book is amazing.  Today we have been talking about being #Intentional.  I want to be more intentional about what I say and do and that includes blogging.

Here is something that I created today.


I have joined a Bible Journaling community on Facebook and this something I created for a prompt in one f the groups.  So what is going on in your world?  I would love for you to share